• Universität Heidelberg
  • Universität Heidelberg
  • Universität Heidelberg

The Role Matrix

The curriculum is built upon a specially designed role matrix for the program, which is based on the CanMEDS role framework.

The role matrix accompanies participants throughout their studies. At the beginning of the program, students assess their level of expertise using the matrix and reflect on their personal and professional development as part of the mentoring program connected to each module. By the end of the program, students document their competency levels, providing a comprehensive overview of their acquired skills and knowledge.

The modules are designed so that all students reach expertise level 2 and the "Meso" reference level across all roles. The expertise levels and reference levels are explained in the document titled "MME Role Matrix."

The module handbook outlines the program's learning objectives and specifies which role(s) are developed through each objective.