• Universität Heidelberg
  • Universität Heidelberg
  • Universität Heidelberg

Cross-Faculty Online Course "Medical Education" (Summer Semester 2025)

Testimonials from participants

The online course ‘Medical Education’ enabled me to look beyond the horizon of my own university. I found it extremely instructive to work with students from other faculties on meaningful teaching concepts and at the same time to exchange experiences and ideas. I also found the lecturers and integration into the Master's students' curriculum very enriching. In particular, I have very positive memories of working at eye level. - Michelle Förstel (participant in the summer semester 2023)

The online course ‘Medical Education’ was extremely instructive. In a pleasant setting, you could try your hand at lesson planning with all its pitfalls. It helped me to better understand university teaching and I can apply many of the skills I learnt in a wide variety of areas. I can only warmly recommend the online course ‘Medical Education’ to anyone. - Laura Schmidt (participant in the summer semester 2023)

Online Course "Medical Education"

The course Medical Education was initiated by the AG Medical Education of the Federal Representation of Medical Students in Germany e. V. (bvmd) and is now offered in collaboration with the Master of Medical Education (MME) program at Heidelberg University.

The goal of this cross-faculty online course is to provide medical and dental students involved in teaching or interested in advancing medical education with a deeper understanding of the principles and key topics in medical education. Faculty members who are active in medical education collaborate with students to lead and design the course. The cross-faculty nature of the course allows students from different medical schools to share perspectives and discuss medical education topics.

To engage all participants, regardless of their level of training, the focus of the course is Planetary Health. This topic highlights the interdependence between human health and the state of the natural environment. Students will independently create teaching units on this subject using medical didactic principles. Planetary Health is relevant to all medical disciplines and is a unifying theme for students from all semesters.

Course Content

The course is divided into four phases:

- Phase I introduces the principles of medical education and prepares students to design online seminars independently.

- Phase II covers key topics in medical education, such as:

  - Flipped Classroom

  - Assessment based on quality criteria

  - Feedback & Evaluation

Students will then work in small groups to create their own flipped classroom-style seminar on Planetary Health topics, with support from MME participants acting as instructors.

- Phase III is where students conduct their online seminars.

- Phase IV involves participation in at least two online sessions on Communication or Interprofessionalism, followed by feedback from the instructors. Additionally, students can participate in an optional in-person OSCE trial.


MME participants serve as instructors and guide the various phases of the course.


Up to 24 medical students from German-speaking medical faculties can participate. The course is voluntary and free of charge.

Format & Scope

The course consists of 2 SWS (28 hours of instruction) with both synchronous and asynchronous components. This includes preparation and follow-up for each session. The course is fully online, though students near Heidelberg can participate in an optional OSCE trial in person.


The synchronous sessions for Phases I-III take place on the following dates from 14:00-15:30.

- 02.04. – "Get together"

- 09.04. – "Developing Teaching"

- 30.04. – "Designing Teaching I"

- 07.05. – "Designing Teaching II"

- 21.05. – "Input & Conception: Flipped Classroom, Assessment, Group work Seminar organisation"

- 22.05. – "Group work Seminar organisation"

- 28.05. – "Input & Conception: Feedback & Evaluation"

- 04.06. – "Review of the seminar concept"

- 18.06. – "Student Seminar I"

- 25.06. – "Student Seminar II"

- 09.07. – "Student Seminar III"

Phase IV: "Communication" / "Interprofessionalism" Sessions (select two)

- 01.07. (13:30-15:00 or 15:15-16:45)

- 02.07. (13:30-15:00 or 15:15-16:45)

- 03.07. (13:30-15:00 or 15:15-16:45)

Optional OSCE Participation 

- 24.07. (13:00-16:15) for students near Heidelberg.

Contact Information

MME Coordination:
Dipl.-Psych. Stefan Wagener     
Studiengang Master of Medical Education          
Medizinische Fakultät Heidelberg | Im Neuenheimer Feld 346 | 69120 Heidelberg         

bvmd Contact:
Lilly Dydymski
Bundesvertretung der Medizinstudierenden in Deutschland e. V.            
Robert-Koch-Platz 7 | 10115 Berlin        