• Universität Heidelberg
  • Universität Heidelberg
  • Universität Heidelberg

Module III

Module III – Teaching and Assessment I


In this module, participants learn about well-founded teaching concepts in both an analogue and a digital "teaching-learning-testing-evaluation" context. Based on the theoretical principles of learning and teaching, they will develop helpful concepts for (their own) large group and seminar courses and adapt them to their own situational context.

As both teaching backgrounds and experiences with digital teaching differ greatly among participants, a part of the module is reserved for elective courses from which participants can make their own personal choice in advance.

The module demonstrates how analogue and digital knowledge transfer can take place using activating methods. Teaching phases and different types of participant activation are presented alternating in a sandwich-like structure.

Relations between curricular development (with reference to Kern's Cycle from Module 1), the planning and implementation of a course and the structurally and legally correct implementations of examinations are demonstrated, tried out and discussed. At the end of the module, participants will have experienced the diversity of teaching, examination and evaluation first-hand.

  • Monday
    Welcome, reflection on own teaching, some organisational tasks and introduction to the week. Revisiting the tree of methods. Getting to know the sandwich and how to implement it in the own course. Overview of basic learning theories with application examples. Start of the elective blocks.

  • Tuesday
    Elective blocks on relevant and current topics, e.g. learning theories, evaluation mechanisms, digital tools and digital coworking, artificial intelligence in medical teaching.

  • Wednesday
    How to motivate a lecture. Expert panels on various types of written examinations. Coffee break with Aachen Prints. Longitudinal module with peer mentoring.
  • Thursday
    Evaluation of the experts’ results in puzzle groups. Basics of creating a digital summative exam: creation of examinations, their pre-review, and their transfer to a digital examination system. 

  • Friday
    How to perform a digital exam and how to evaluate it. Post-review of the examination. Legal basics. Review of the module.

Module leadership  
apl.-Prof. Dr. Martin Baumann, MME
AME – Institute of Applied Medical Engineering – Helmholtz-Institute, Aachen

Dr. Melanie Simon, MME
Dekanat der Medizinischen Fakultät
Uniklinikum der RWTH Aachen

Module team  
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Cord Spreckelsen, MME
Institute of Medical Statistics, Computer and Data Sciences (IMSID)
Jena University Hospital

Longitudinal supervision
Prof. Dr. Martin Fischer, MME (Bern)
Institut für Didaktik und Ausbildungsforschung in der Medizin (DAM), LMU-München

Daily instructors
Dr. med. Götz Fabry, MHPE
Medizinische Fakultät der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität
Institut für Medizinische Psychologie & Medizinische Soziologie, Freiburg

Martin Lemos
Audiovisuelles Medienzentrum
Medizinische Fakultät der RWTH Aachen

Dr. Philipp Verenkotte
Fachanwalt für Verwaltungsrecht
Prof. Dr. Birnbaum RA-GmbH, Siegburg