• Universität Heidelberg
  • Universität Heidelberg
  • Universität Heidelberg

Module V

Teaching and Assessment III


This module focuses on two main areas: communication and examinations. Participants gain the theoretical and practical ability to apply specific communication techniques in education and training. They are also prepared to incorporate standardized patients in teaching and exams. Another key goal is for participants to select and justify appropriate assessment methods for specific teaching/learning formats, while considering the limitations and opportunities of exam planning. They develop the skills to create, conduct, and evaluate exams. Participants create an OSCE station and engage in a multi-step review process, including standard setting and exam simulation. They also explore computer-based assessments and design structured oral exams (SMPs), from drafting questions and defining expectations to creating an exam blueprint and simulating the exam in a real-world M3 setting. The module also introduces the first steps toward conducting scientific work (e.g., project proposals, thesis templates) and continues the longitudinal mentoring process, with a focus on group and peer mentoring.

  • Pre-Module Phase
    Digital lectures (Flipped Classroom)
    Small group work: Design and implementation of an online teaching unit ("Communication" or "Interprofessionalism") with standardized patients (SP), and design of an OSCE station with SP
    SP role acceptance

  • Monday
    Key aspects: Communication & feedback
    Reflection on the "Communication" teaching unit
    Key aspects of assessment
    Review of OSCE stations on "Communication"
    Reflection on structured oral exams  
  • Tuesday 
    Key aspects: Interprofessionalism
    Reflection on the "Interprofessionalism" teaching unit
    Review of OSCE stations on "Interprofessionalism"
    Finalization of OSCE stations  
  • Wednesday 
    Longitudinal module: Reflection on the group process
    Peer mentoring
    Presentation of the local teaching situation
  • Thursday 
    Key aspects: Standard setting, examiner effects, observer errors
    Standard setting
    OSCE simulation
    720° reflection on OSCE
  • Friday 
    Key aspects: Oral exams
    Simulation of oral exams
    Preparation for educational research  

Module leadership 
Prof. Dr. Jana Jünger, MME (Bern)
Institut für Kommunikations- und Prüfungsforschung gGmbH, Heidelberg

Module team
Dr. Bernhard Steinweg, MME
Studiendekanat der Medizinischen Fakultät Bonn

Dr. med. Stefan Bushuven MME MA MHBA
Notfallmedizinisches Trainingszentrum in Singen (NOTIS e.V.), Engen

Longitudinal supervision  
Erika Irniger
Supervision-Organisationsberatung, Bern
Daily instructors 
PD Dr. Nasenien Nourkami-Tutdibi
Kliniken für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin
Medizinische Fakultät der Universität des Saarlandes, Homburg/Saar

Dr. Andreas Möltner
Qualitätssicherung Prüfungen
Medizinische Fakultät Heidelberg

Konstantin Brass
Institut für Kommunikations- und Prüfungsforschung gGmbH, Heidelberg